
12:19 - 08/12/2023
Official Data

The General Secretariat of the Aldaee Party announces the news of the martyrdom of the founder of the Aldaee Party, Imam Rabbani, Mr. Fadel Al-Marsoumi Al-Husseini, who was targeted by sinful hands, the hands of treachery, disbelief, betrayal and terrorism, this afternoon. While he was with his driver and companion, near the Taji Traffic Directorate in the Tajiyat area, north of Baghdad.

Unidentified masked men riding a motorcycle approached His Eminence’s car and opened fire on him, causing the martyrdom of one of his companions. As the General Secretariat of the Party offers its condolences to His Eminence’s relatives, loved ones, disciples, supporters and fans of Aldaee Party, it pledges to them and to all our Iraqi people to maintain the peaceful approach that His Eminence followed. Throughout his honorable career, calling for peace, freedom, and supporting the democratic system in Iraq, he will work hard to establish the foundations of justice, security, and safety throughout our beloved country, while calling on the security services, represented by the highest authority therein, to carry out their duty by investigating the incident, arresting the perpetrators as soon as possible, and handing them over to the judiciary to receive their just punishment. And revealing the details and motives of the terrorist crime. To God we belong and to Him we shall return.

General Secretariat of Aldaee Party
Iraq / Baghdad
23 Jumada al-Thani 1445

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