Privacy Policy
The Secretary General: He is elected by an absolute majority of the members of the General Secretariat. He is responsible for the general management of the party. He is the leader and guide. He has the power to represent the party, or whoever he authorizes, before the judiciary and other parties. The Secretary (Deputy General Secretary): He is elected by an absolute majority of the members of the General Secretariat, and he is responsible for implementing and following up all that is issued by the General Secretariat of the party and from it to the members and affiliates. Political Bureau: It is the body responsible for preparing the party's internal and external policy. The Secretariat Office: The body coordinating the work of the party, including meetings, dates, and decisions issued by the General Secretariat. It organizes legal minutes for all the legal convening sessions, in which it establishes the date of those sessions, the agenda, the names and positions of the attendees, and the recommendations issued by the sessions and signed by the founders of the party.
Legal Office: The body responsible for all legal procedures related to the work of the party. The Cultural Office: The body responsible for preparing the cultural curricula of the party.
Financial Office: The body responsible for implementing the party's financial policy by preparing a special budget. Public Relations Office: The coordinating body for establishing the best relations with all parties, political organizations, currents, loyal forces, government agencies, civil society organizations and all components of society. The Media Office: It is the office responsible for the media and the press, and it is the party's official spokesperson. Organization Office: T