Statement of the General Secretariat of the Aldaee Party regarding the assassination of the party’s founder, the martyr His Eminence the Lord Imam, Mr. Fadel Al-Marsoumi Al-Husseini

02:57 - 15/12/2023
Official Data

The General Secretariat of the Aldaee Party expresses its thanks and gratitude to everyone who offered their condolences on the martyrdom of the party’s founder, the preacher Imam Al-Rabbani, Sayyed Fadel Al-Marsoumi Al-Husseini, who was assassinated by the brutal hands of ignorance and terrorism in Baghdad last Thursday.

Our condolences to the mourners have helped us to be patient with the suspicious silence of the Iraqi government towards the painful assassination incident, despite the fact that the deceased founder was a religious, social, political and national figure and the founder of a party that participated in all electoral elections from 2008 until the local elections scheduled to be held a few days later and despite his usual peacefulness. And its positions in support of freedom and civility and against sectarianism and terrorism in all its forms, and despite its prohibition of the use of weapons and its repeated calls to confine it to the hands of the state and its support for its security services, it did not bother and carry out its duty to issue an official statement denouncing the treacherous and cowardly act. It also did not open any channel to communicate with the party leaders to inform them of the progress of the investigation. What we heard about through the media is that the Ministry of Interior initiated it as a timid measure that did not rise to the level of the event.

Therefore, we call on the judiciary at all levels to conduct a fair and urgent investigation to uncover the perpetrators, announce the circumstances of the crime to public opinion, and hold accountable the parties behind it, because such crimes are a threat to societal peace, a derogation from the legitimacy of the democratic system, and an insult to the ongoing electoral process, especially since the incident coincides with the approaching date of the election. Local elections in which the Aldaee Party led by the deceased participates.

It is not hidden from everyone the fragility of the security situation in the country and the intensification of the electoral conflict, which has reached the point of demolishing the competitor in the media and morals and has recently reached the point of physical liquidation in a dangerous development that we have not witnessed before. Likewise, the influence of political money of unknown origin and ownership of the parties in power, all of this has cast a shadow on the electoral process. And emptied it of its true content and value as a democratic practice that establishes the building of a civil state in which freedoms are preserved and dignity is preserved. Therefore, although we, by virtue of the ideal divine life we carry, have been liberated by it from the whims of authority and the enslavement of those who seek after it, we are keen for our people to attain even a portion of what we have been liberated from. Life to get rid of the corruption and injustice of these people. Therefore, we decided, despite continuing with our reform intellectual project, to completely withdraw from participating in the local elections scheduled to be held in a few days.

    We believe that the founding master is a martyr of freedom and an ideal life, a life for which he raised the slogan of peace over three decades, during which he forbade his followers from using weapons. We, in his reign, will continue to not respond to insult with insult, but rather with admonition, advice, and clarification by spreading the ideal, moderate thought that we carry among the people. We give good news to the oppressed and warn and advise the arrogant among them.

General Secretariat of the Daee Party
1 Jumada al-Akhirah 1445

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