
04:21 - 30/06/2023
Saad Jasim Naser Al-Tamimi


Excerpts from the biography of the Secretary-General of Aldaai Party

1- Saad Jasim Naser Al-Tamimi
Born on January 28, 1980, Iraq - Diyala, from Iraqi-Arab parents. I grew up and was raised in the city of Baquba, the center of Diyala Governorate.

2- I finished my primary, intermediate and preparatory studies in its scientific branch in the city of Baquba. I entered the Faculty of Law at Yarmouk University and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Law in 2001.

3 - I started my professional work in the higher education corps - University of Diyala as a human rights employee in 2003 and graduated and I am now a senior legal advisor at the University of Baghdad, College of Medicine and a member of the legal council at the university.

4 - I participated in many legal courses in the universities that I learned about, as well as attended conferences and seminars held throughout the country and chaired many legal, administrative and investigative committees.

5 - I used to reject the dictatorial policies of the previous regime from a young age, and I believed that it was a regime that worked against humanity, and it became clear to me day after day that its dictatorship was not limited to the regime itself, but rather it cloned itself in the hearts of many people and they became dictators.

6 - Despite all the attempts, I succeeded in not belonging to the Baath Party. Between the Baath organization in the area where I used to live and the Baath organization in the university, I was deceived by it and didnot join its ranks until it fell in 2003.

7 - When the regime fell, I was 23 years old. I turned around the parties and looked at their offices and listened to what they were carrying, but I left them and was not part of them because they were expressing sectarianism and obsessed with revenge.

8 - I was subjected to displacement twice, once by extremist Sunni organizations and the other by extremist Shiite organizations because of my rejection of the sectarian project, and despite all that I was patient and put up with people's ignorance and pain. 

9 - In 2008, a new phase began, and I was accompanying the preacher Imam Al-Rabbani, where I worked with His Eminence to establish the preacher’s party and organize its approach to be an arm that carries the approach and thought that we found useful for ourselves, so we loved it for our brothers in the homeland.

10 - We defended national identity and civil life, and we still defend and reject the militarization of society and the killing of people over opinion, word and identity. The people will not enjoy a free and decent life as long as the external sectarian agendas are present and strong among the majority of parties and societal forces, not to mention the unbridled weapon that stands in the way of any progress that the people seek.

11 - Since the beginning, we appreciate the human experience in the West of the Earth and what it has reached in terms of international systems and great development at various levels and fields. Human efforts must be respected wherever they are. Therefore, we reject attempts to isolate Iraq from its Arab, regional and international surroundings, and we refuse to push Iraq to antagonize the countries of the world and create a rupture with it. The international community .

12 – Sectarian Strife , we have never been a part of it, and we refused to take any executive or legislative position from the quota gate, and all our electoral participations were with independent lists representing the party directly without any sectarian, racial, or factional alliance.

13 - Since we started working as a party with its own platform, and we financed ourselves by ourselves, we did not submit to all the temptations of external support, and we did not extend our hands to public money.

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