Director of the Aldaae Center for Research and Studies

03:48 - 30/06/2023
Hadeel Thamer Mohsen


1- Name: Hadeel Thamer Mohsen Al-Khuzaie

Born in 1974
2- Academic achievement:
  PhD in Architectural Engineering / University of Baghdad

3- Subspecialty
  Designing sustainable cities with the urban green strategy
  Sustainable Urban Design

4- Previous experience:
■ In the field of higher education and scientific research
□ Senior Engineer/Presidency of Al-Qadisiyah University/Department of Engineering Affairs
□ Assistant Lecturer / Karbala University
College of Engineering / Department of Civil Engineering

□ Lecturer / University of Babylon
College of Engineering / Department of Architectural Engineering

□ Lecturer / American University in Amman / Madaba / College of Engineering / Department of Architecture

□ Lecturer / University of Petra / Amman
College of Engineering / Department of Architecture

5- In the field of scientific conferences:
Participation in several conferences on "Urban Design" in both
□ Ottawa / Canada
□ Geneva / Switzerland
□ Direnzo / Italy
□ Beirut / Lebanon
□ Amman / Jordan

6- In the field of architectural and urban design:
□ The design of the nursing home / Al-Qadisiyah Governorate / commissioned directly by the Presidency of Al-Qadisiyah University in cooperation with the governorate departments
□ Executive Director of the Al-Ustaza neighborhood project / Al-Qadisiyah University
□ Member of the Basic Design Group of Al-Qadisiyah University
□ Member of the Basic Design Group of Al-Muthanna University
□ Design of the main entrance of Al-Qadisiyah University
□ Executive Director of the main entrance project of the University of Al-Qadisiyah in cooperation with the Engineering Consulting Office / Al-Mustansiriya University
□ Guest House Design / Al-Qadisiyah University
□ Design of the burns department attached to Al-Yarmouk Hospital / Baghdad
□ Architectural design of residential homes in various Iraqi governorates

7- In the field of Al-Daae Center for Research and Studies:
□ Participation as a speaker in the preparatory conference for breath, gas and energy for the year 2023 / Baghdad / Al-Rasheed Hotel

□ Participation as a speaker in the dialogue session of the Iraqi Economic Council for the year 2023
Baghdad / Al-Rashid Hotel

□ Participation as a scientific researcher in the conference of Salahaddin University and the Organization of the Elders of Iraq for Transitional Justice / Erbil / 2023
  □ Participation as a speaker in the dialogue session on women’s empowerment prepared by the Iraqi Women’s Organization / in electronic presence through the ZOOM program

□ Preparing a scientific research on the educational axis, which is to be participated in the conference on the Iraqi Council of Ministers, in cooperation with the Research Center for the House of Representatives.

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